Resident Event: Piglets and Waffles and Geese—Oh, My!

Victoria Scotti with piglet at farm animal petting zoo.
By Victoria Scotti, Chief of Staff at April Housing
On a chilly Sunday in late January, our team gathered in Canton, Georgia, to host our first resident appreciation event of the year. As with all our resident appreciation events, we strive to demonstrate our gratitude for all the people who call our community “home.” Our Chief Technology Officer, Paul, generously sponsored a breakfast food truck for the 100+ residents who dropped by to enjoy crispy hash browns, decadent honey-buttered biscuits, fresh waffles, and hot bacon. Paul was the driving force behind the event, having challenged our company to win the “most participation” award in the CoreGiving March Madness tournament. The CoreGiving fundraiser brings awareness and funds to benefit food banks nationwide, including the Atlanta Community Food Bank near the property. After our team achieved 99% staff participation in the fundraising tournament, we decided that Alexander Ridge, a 200+ family property about 45 minutes outside of Atlanta, would be a great place to host this event.

Team members gathered outside during our resident appreciation event in Canton, Georgia.
To go with the popular food truck breakfast, children and adults alike were delighted by the opportunity to pet an array of farm animals, including chickens, goats, geese, sheep, and pigs. Some of our April Housing team was called to action when a piglet escaped from the pen and had to be corralled in the entryway of an apartment!
All in all, we were delighted to be able to share our appreciation with residents of Alexander Ridge apartments and hear stories from parents, children, and seniors about the impact that having a safe, warm place to call home has made on their families.

Residents and farm animals at our community event in Canton, Georgia, feeding geese, goats, and chickens.